MARZAHN, MON AMOUR by Katja Oskamp Awarded the Dublin Literary Award 2023

Dublin City Council announced on Thursday that German writer Katja Oskamp and translator Jo Heinrich had been selected as the winner of the 2023 Dublin Literary Award – the world’s most valuable annual prize for a single work of fiction with a prize of €100,000.

The 2023 Judging Panel, led by Professor Chris Morash of Trinity College Dublin, including Gabriel Gbadamosi, Marie Hermet, Sarah Moss, Arunava Sinha and Doireann Ní Ghríofa, commented:“Every so often, you come across a novel whose simple, direct honesty knocks you sideways.  There is an unaffected humility and generosity about Katja Oskamp’s Marzhan, Mon Amour that speaks to the value of community and to the dignity of ordinary lives.’The love I have inside me has turned to liquid,’ concludes the novel’s narrator, ‘and now runs into the most unlikely places’.  To read Marzhan, Mon Amourin Jo Heinrich’s translation from the German is to feel Katja Oskamp’s all-encompassing embrace of her world.”

Huge congratulations to Katja Oskamp, Jo Heinrich and all the shortlisted authors and translators, and thank you to The Dublin Literary Award for this incredible honour. 

The Dublin Literary Award is unique in that it’s books are nominated by libraries from cities around the world – special thanks to Stadtbüchereien Düsseldorf for their nomination. Presented annually, the Award is one of the most significant literature prizes in the world.